KCF University Cup

4th Annual Kasparov Chess Foundation University Cup

Saturday-Sunday, February 03-04, 2024, Online: KCFUniversityCup.org

Joining Zoom with camera is required for this tournament!
Zoom link will be here during the tournament:


UFJF: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (estudante.ufjf.br)

#IDNameBoard#RatingLichess HandleStatus
1URS:267997CM PEDRO LAGE02199nakadingConfirmed
2URS:401893 Lucca Cardoso01931princeofchessConfirmed
3URS:414651 BRENO SIMAS01904BrenoMatosSimasConfirmed
4URS:414511 Rafael Dioscanio01866Rafa1elousConfirmed
Total Players: 4

If board order is 0, pairing system will use rating descending order. Player with board order number greater than 4 won't be paired.
To change board order, use this form. Board order is fixed during the day, so if you need to change board order you have to do it before the 'first' round of the day.

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