Team Standings

Team Roster and Standings. ChessKid National Festival: K-3 Champ

  Code Name Score
1 NYSABS Success Academy Bed-Stuy Elementary 10.5
    Grayson Xiang 4.0  
    Wan Qin Li 3.5  
    Jesper Liu 3.0  
2 NCMSAA The Math and Science Academy of Apex 8.0
    Munisa Irmukhamed 4.0  
    Mustafa Muhammad 4.0  
3 NYNEST NEST+m School 4.0
    Kirill McNaughton 2.0  
    Tai Hong 2.0  
W = Won, L = Lost, D = Drew, H = Half Point Bye, B = Full Point Bye, X = won/forfeit, F = lost/forfeit, N/U = No Playing.

Message/email/call tournament director if you need help, change your byes or withdraw.

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