Chess Weekend - New Year Day's Chess Bowl

Chess Weekend - New Year Day's Chess Bowl

Five rounds, Game 25 minutes + 5 seconds increment

Friday, January 1, 2021, Online:

Joining Zoom with camera is required for this tournament!
Zoom link will be here during the tournament:


OPEN U1600 U1200 U800 

OPEN Pairing Round 5/5 ~ live games: 0

No.WhiteLichess NameBlackLichess NameLichess BoardLiveResult
101.SHREYAS REDDY (2072, 3.00)shreorusGM GADIR GUSEINOV (2679, 4.00)GGuseinovCompletedGoQ8fnQK0-1
102.GM SERGEI AZAROV (2679, 3.00)SergeiazaALEXANDER FOGEL (1584, 3.00)KyleSchafer12CompletedQRxRbuxt1-0
103.GM ALEX LENDERMAN (2709, 2.50)AlexLendermanSHREYA MANGALAM (2132, 3.00)Confused3Completedfyw6GrAY1-0
104.ABHIRAM POTHURI (1948, 2.50)thokkubabuAAKAASH MEDURI (2130, 2.50)acashmoneyCompletedxQ8hOBWH0-1
105.NOPRIYADI TAN (1931, 2.50)NopriyadiMAXIM FARBEROV (1959, 2.50)farbmatesCompletedu4xsUVv91-0
106.ELIJAH PLATNICK (2024, 2.00)EliemanGEORGE MCCOY (1886, 2.00)GLM1Completedb6OwJtYl0-1
107.SOUNAK BAGCHI (2004, 2.00)ChesssagaETHAN LIANG (1746, 2.00)ELCCEthan488CompletedFrOQPHK70-1
108.EKANSH MEHROTRA (1843, 2.00)GatorbeastCHRISTOPHER CHUNG (1642, 2.00)ChrisChess2020Completedmn9HLrNq0-1
109.TING CHIEH (1888, 1.00)Chess960loversANNIKA MOORJANI (1486, 1.50)AnnikaM4CompletedD8wDCKN01-0
110.ARVIND THIAGARAJAN (1663, 1.50)Cheetoschess352SANTHOSH AYYAPPAN (1541, 1.50)SanthoshAyyappanCompleted6AXRCdE60-1
111.WILLIAM BROCK (2034, 1.00)billbrockFM ARYAN GUTLA (2093, 1.50)aryangambitCompletedLL8d47Ly1-0
112.ALAN LOSOFF (1797, 1.00)AlanInVegasERIC JR. (1516, 1.00)JensenUVACompletedHcgT81Dw1-0
ERIK SANTARIUS (2440) ~ BYE with Score : 1/2
JONATHAN LANG (2110) ~ BYE with Score : 1/2
CHRIS WAINSCOTT (1757) ~ BYE with Score : 0
ANDREAS TEUFFER (2066) ~ BYE with Score : 1/2
SERKAN SALIK (2301) ~ BYE with Score : 0
ERIC PANIAGUA (1976) ~ BYE with Score : 0
NAHUM GONZALEZ (1704) ~ BYE with Score : 0

Find your section, and check the pairing. "Click Here To Start" to sit down at your table. Only players in the pairing can play the board. Do not close out of a board once you join it, even if your opponent is not there. If somehow you cancel (X) the board before started, TD needs to re-create the board. Message/email/call tournament director at if you need help, change your byes or withdraw. Have fun!